Part Search

It is a new and innovative service started by Excel Eltech for the immense benefit of our customers in sourcing obsolete, hard –to-find and highly allocated components. Many a time, it was experienced in the past that obsolete/hard –to- find components were not available anywhere in the world at a given point of time and subsequently becomes available due to identification of O.E.M. excess inventory. The customer cannot keep track of such developments and looses the opportunity.

Keeping the above in mind, we developed “PART ALARM” which intimates the customer immediately on such sudden availability of O.E.M. Excess inventory. This service functions in a simple way as follows. The customer places an RFQ with us, and if it is available with us an immediate quote will be provided or if it is not available with us and available elsewhere , we will track it down with our ultra speed tracking network and provide the customer with the quote. In case the particular part is not available anywhere in the world, the same will be intimated to the customer and the requirement will be registered in “PART ALARM” by us and our specially designed software will identify and track down of the subsequent developments on the part and the customer will be notified about the availability.

You may register now for using this service or if you have already registered you may post your RFQ.

Registered Customers please click here to post RFQ

New Customers please click here to Sign up